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In signing it you agree to this data being held and processed and if appointed to the job you also agree to further personal information, including sensitive data (e.g. bank details, medicals, etc) being held and processed by the school/academy in accordance with the regulations. Title of job applied for Title of job applied for:  FORMTEXT       Ref:  FORMTEXT       Personal DetailsMr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr  FORMTEXT      First Names:  FORMTEXT      Known as:  FORMTEXT       Surname:  FORMTEXT       NI Number:  FORMTEXT       Previous Surname(s):  FORMTEXT       Address:  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Post Code:  FORMTEXT       Telephone NumbersHome:  FORMTEXT       Work:  FORMTEXT      Mobile:  FORMTEXT       E-mail address:  FORMTEXT      May we contact you at work? Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  How can we contact you? Telephone / E-mail / Mobile  FORMTEXT        Where did you first see the advertisement for this job? If a newspaper/website, please state which one.  FORMTEXT       ReferencesPlease provide two referees. One of these must be your present or most recent employer, or, for students, your personal tutor or headteacher. The second should, preferably, be a previous employer or someone who can comment on your suitability for this job. For internal candidates, references are to be provided by current line managers. Please nominate who that is under present/most recent employer. Please let your referees know that you have quoted them as a referee, to expect a request for a reference and clarify how best to contact them e.g. letter, e-mail, should you be shortlisted.Present/most recent employer*Previous employer/otherOrganisation:  FORMTEXT      Organisation:  FORMTEXT      Name:  FORMTEXT      Name:  FORMTEXT      Role in Organisation:  FORMTEXT      Occupation:  FORMTEXT      Address:  FORMTEXT      Address:  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT       Phone No:  FORMTEXT      Phone No:  FORMTEXT      E-mail:  FORMTEXT      E-mail:  FORMTEXT      Preferred method of communication: Letter  FORMCHECKBOX  E-mail  FORMCHECKBOX  Letter  FORMCHECKBOX  E-mail  FORMCHECKBOX  In what capacity does the referee know you?In what capacity does the referee know you? Employer/former employer Colleague/former colleague or manager but the reference is given on a personal basis Personal FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX Employer/former employer Colleague/former colleague or manager but the reference is given on a personal basis Personal FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  If the referee knows you by a different name please state:  FORMTEXT       * If you have not had previous employment, please provide details of another referee. A reference will normally be taken up from your present/previous employer. Please tick the box if you do not want us to contact your referees without your prior agreement. We do request that, where possible, references to be taken up prior to interview in line with Safer Recruitment best practice. Please do not contact my present/most recent employer prior to interview  FORMTEXT       CONFIDENTIAL Job Application Form CVs will only be accepted in supplement to the fully completed application form. Please write the reference number at the top of your CV. You should not include the equal opportunities information on your CV.  Title of job applied for:  FORMTEXT        Ref:  FORMTEXT        Name:  FORMTEXT        Current/Most Recent AppointmentTitle of current Job:  FORMTEXT      Start Date:  FORMTEXT      Current Employer:  FORMTEXT      Salary Range:  FORMTEXT      Employer Address:  FORMTEXT      Current Salary:  FORMTEXT       Permanent or temporary contract:  FORMTEXT      Notice Required:  FORMTEXT       Main Responsibilities FORMTEXT        Job related trainingBrief details and dates of any training courses attended, excluding further education.  FORMTEXT        Current memberships of institutions/professional bodiesPlease state level of membership, i.e. Graduate, Fellow, and membership number.  FORMTEXT        Employment History (Please explain any gaps)(Most recent first) Name of Employer, type of Business and job title  FORMTEXT        Dates  FORMTEXT       Duties and reason for leaving  FORMTEXT        Education and training Please give details of schools and colleges attended from age eleven, including part-time education and other courses. Secondary education (name and town of school)  FORMTEXT       Dates from / to  FORMTEXT      Qualifications gained or for which you are studying  FORMTEXT      Grade attained  FORMTEXT       Education and training after school (name and town of college/university)  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Other Information Additional skills e.g. languages sign language, keyboard skills.  FORMTEXT       Do you have a valid driving licence? Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  If yes, please state type of licence  FORMTEXT       Does your licence have any endorsements or penalty points? Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  If yes, please give details  FORMTEXT       We check that potential employees are eligible to work in the UK: Do you have the right to work in the UK? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX   Supporting Information Please use this section to explain why you are applying for the job. Concentrate on how your experience, training and personal qualities match the requirements of the job description and person specification.  FORMTEXT       "#$-   K R S v , . 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Activities and interests away from work which may be relevant to the job applied for.  FORMTEXT        Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 All posts involving direct contact with children are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.However, amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013 & 2020) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are 'protected'. These are not subject to disclosure to employers and cannot be taken into account. Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found on the Ministry of Justice website or see HYPERLINK "http://hub.unlock.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/What-will-be-filtered-by-the-DBS.pdf" \t "_blank" here. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide details of all unspent convictions and those that would not be filtered, prior to the date of the interview.You may be asked for further information about your criminal history during the recruitment process. If your application is successful, this self-disclosure information will be checked against information from the Disclosure & Barring Service before your appointment is confirmed.  I confirm that the above information is complete and accurate and I understand that any offer is subject to references which are satisfactory to the school, a satisfactory DBS certificate and Barred List Check, the entries on this form proving to be complete and accurate and a satisfactory medical report, if appropriate. I confirm that I have not been disqualified from working with children, cautioned or sanctioned in this regard. Signed Date  FORMTEXT        CONFIDENTIAL Job Application Form PART TWO  THIS WILL BE DETACHED FROM YOUR APPLICATION FORM AND ONLY REFERRED TO FOLLOWING SHORTLISTING DIVERSITY We are committed to equality of opportunity for everyone. To assess whether our Diversity policy is effective we need to monitor it and to do this we need the information requested below. We can then compare the success rates of different groups at both the shortlisting and appointment stages to ensure that unfair discrimination is not taking place. This will also enable us to comply with our obligations under current legislation. The information below will be used only for monitoring purposes and not in the selection process. Please tick correct boxes: Gender: Male  FORMCHECKBOX  Female  FORMCHECKBOX  Marital Status: Married  FORMCHECKBOX  Civil Partnership  FORMCHECKBOX  Single  FORMCHECKBOX  Date of Birth:  FORMTEXT       Age:  FORMTEXT       Please indicate your ethnic origin White: Mixed: Asian White British  FORMCHECKBOX  Mixed White/Black Caribbean  FORMCHECKBOX  Indian  FORMCHECKBOX  White Irish  FORMCHECKBOX  Mixed White/Black African  FORMCHECKBOX  Pakistani  FORMCHECKBOX  Any other White  FORMCHECKBOX  Mixed White/Asian  FORMCHECKBOX  Bangladeshi  FORMCHECKBOX  Other Mixed  FORMCHECKBOX  Other Asian  FORMCHECKBOX  Black or Black British: Other: Black Caribbean  FORMCHECKBOX  Chinese  FORMCHECKBOX  Black African  FORMCHECKBOX  Gypsy/Traveller  FORMCHECKBOX  Other Black  FORMCHECKBOX  Other  FORMCHECKBOX  Nationality ( Please State)  FORMTEXT       How would you define your sexual orientation? Bisexual  FORMCHECKBOX  Gay  FORMCHECKBOX  Heterosexual  FORMCHECKBOX  Lesbian  FORMCHECKBOX  Prefer not to say  FORMCHECKBOX  What is your religious belief? Buddhist  FORMCHECKBOX  Christian  FORMCHECKBOX  Hindu  FORMCHECKBOX  Jewish  FORMCHECKBOX  Muslim  FORMCHECKBOX  Sikh  FORMCHECKBOX  No religion  FORMCHECKBOX  Other (please specify)__________________ Prefer not to say  FORMCHECKBOX   Disability: The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 and subsequent Equality Act 2010 made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against their employees who are disabled and places a duty on the employer to make reasonable adjustments to enable the employee to undertake the work. The definition in the Act is "People with disabilities are individuals who have, or have had, a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities". If you do consider yourself to be disabled under the definition in the Act, please indicate this, even if you do not currently need any adjustments to undertake your job. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? 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