ࡱ> IKFGH @ ObjbjVV -6r<r<G bbb8 cc2fffffggg{}}}}}}$.Rjggjjff<4m4m4mj(Vff{4mj{4m4m 0Cff bj@ob 0rj2CCDghh4mhT@iJgggJnRd$mnR CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL JOB DESCRIPTION QUESTIONNAIRE JOB TITLESite Maintenance Officer (primary school)JOB REF NOAAAD5006 BASIC JOB PURPOSE To undertake efficient maintenance of the building and site, including certain technical and administrative duties to ensure their most effective use. NOMAIN RESPONSIBILITIES 1.Maintain the school building, including effecting repairs and improvements in order to fulfil the schools specific responsibilities under LMS. Undertake minor repairs (electrical, plumbing, glazing, joinery) as necessary.2.Monitor and operate the engineering system and advise management of any faults in order to ensure the most economical use of fuel and water.3.Discuss with and monitor the work of contractors engaged by school to ensure specified standards are achieved.4.Monitor, operate and maintain appropriate site security systems, including opening and closing the building at the beginning and end of the school day, lettings outside school hours and responding to call outs as necessary in order to provide satisfactory security arrangements.5.Maintain and monitor Health and Safety standards, reporting any failures to comply with the schools statutory obligations in this area and ensure that contractors work meets Health and safety Regulations.6.Organise and carry out portering and cleaning duties (including the moving of heavy furniture) which will secure the most efficient use of resources.7.Order supplies in order to maintain the necessary stock of appropriate resources.8.Carry out banking duties as required.9.Carry out other duties appertaining to the use of the premises as may be necessary from time to time in accordance with the reasonable requirements of the Head Teacher.Notwithstanding the detail in this job description, in accordance with the School's/Councils Flexibility Policy the job holder will undertake such work as may be determined by the Headteacher/Governing Body from time to time, up to or at a level consistent with the Main Responsibilities of the job.  RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPERVISION/DIRECTION/COORDINATION OF EMPLOYEES Employees directly supervised by Job Holder Not Applicable Other Employees supervised by Job Holder (not in a direct line relationship) No and FTELevels / gradesTypes of workWhere based Up to 5 Part-time staffCBS CleanersCleaning of designated school buildings (internal)Primary SchoolWhat does the supervision of these employees involve? The Job Holder ensures that all cleaning tasks have been completed. The Job Holder allocates, and gives guidance upon the performance of, the tasks to be undertaken by CBS Cleaners. Does the job involve supervision, direction or management of people who are not employees? eg contractors, students on secondment No and FTELevels / gradesTypes of workWhere based Contractors (eg, electricians, plumbers, drainage and heating engineers, glaziers, etc).Specialist servicing and maintenance of buildings and equipment.Primary SchoolWhat does the supervision of these people involve? Informing them of work to be completed, check work on completion Does the Job Holder develop policy or provide advice and information which impacts on the supervision/direction/coordination of employees? Yes The Job Holder will discuss with the Head teacher whether to engage the services of contractors for a specific task or whether to carry out the job themselves. RESPONSIBILITY FOR FINANCIAL RESOURCES Give details of any direct responsibility for financial resources. Financial responsibility Value of the financial resource (p.a.)How often is the duty performed? Cleaning supplies budget holder.Between 1,000 and 10,000; depending upon size of schoolDailyCheques and cash-handling - bankingWeeklyDoes the Job Holder develop policy or provide advice and information which impacts on financial resources? No RESPONSIBILITY FOR PHYSICAL RESOURCES Give details of any direct responsibility for physical resources. Physical resourceNature of responsibility of Job HolderHow often is responsibility exercised?Buildings: Classrooms, toilets, offices Heating System Maintenance and minor improvements Cleaning of designated areas Security opening/closing building (named key holder), operating and testing of alarms Health and Safety checks Checking of heating plant Maintaining correct temperature. Security ensuring boiler room is lockedDaily Site: eg, grassed and wooded areas, driveways, play areas, sandpit, garden, etcLitter picking, path clearance, graffiti removal etc Carrying out H & S checks Routine maintenance of play areas and equipmentDaily Fixtures, Fittings and Furniture: locks, windows, doors, fitted furnitureEnsures in good working order, H & S checks, day-to-day maintenance Moves furniture and large items as requestedDaily Tools/equipment/cleaning materials: Hand/small power tools; washers, driers, fridges, Hoovers, buffers, etc Cleaning materials/ chemicals Safe daily use and storage Checking for good working order/PAT testing Taking fridge temperatures Safe daily use and storage Daily Vehicles: School Minibus Security/garaging of vehicle Cleaning interior/exterior; checking/ topping up oil, fuel, and tyres; taking for service and MOT Daily/WeeklyRecords: Stock records of cleaning materials, towels, toilet paper, etc Meter readings Maintains records of cleaning stocks used, raises replacement requisitions Checks deliveries to store Reads and records meter readings, water temperatures etc Daily/MonthlyDoes the Job Holder develop policy or provide advice and information which impacts on physical resources? Yes If yes, give details Job Holder makes recommendations on: purchases of equipment; prioritisation of work eg, which building improvements/maintenance should take highest priority. RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPACT ON PEOPLE Task/DutyWho benefits?How they benefit?General cleaning and maintenance of school; operation of heating systemSchool pupils; teaching/ support StaffClean, comfortable and safe environment.Does the Job Holder develop policy or provide advice and information which impacts on people? NO KNOWLEDGE Type of knowledgeWhat knowledge is essential?Why are these needed?How is it normally acquired?Literacy and NumeracyAbility to read, write; together with basic arithmetical abilityTo read instructions, keep records, read meters, mix chemicals to correct ratioGeneral education Equipment and ToolsAbility to: Use hand/small power tools Use electrical cleaning equipment Test, set and disarm alarmsTo clean and maintain school and security of buildings and sitePrevious experience plus on-the-job experienceSpecialistUnderstanding of: Basic plumbing, joinery and electrics Basic and specialist cleaning processes Safe storage of materials and chemicalsTo clean and carry out basic maintenanceDIY skills and experience of institutional/ domestic cleaningPolicies and ProceduresKnowledge of: Health and Safety Regulations, Safer Handling Guidelines, School Security, Hazardous substancesTo ensure compliance, carry out checksInduction, training, manuals and guidelinesOrganisationalUnderstanding of the work of the school Knowledge of contractors and Council Service level agreementsTo understand how things are organised and why To know who to contact in an emergencyOn-the-job experience On-the-job experience How long would it take for a Job Holder to become fully operational? Two weeks: competent to carry out Health and Safety, cleaning and security responsibilities. One month: understand all daily responsibilities and checks. One Term: reasonably competent in all duties; understand the ethos of the School, and its systems. There are some cyclical aspects of the job which may only be experienced over the period of a full year. MENTAL SKILLS What sort of situations/problems does the Job Holder typically have to deal with? Example Planning and priorities: the Job Holder receives a list of requests for work from the school staff. The Job Holder determines what can be left until later and what is urgent, when to carry out the work this may mean waiting until there is clear access (eg, to a classroom), obtaining materials whilst keeping an overview and fitting in routine cyclical tasks. Example Carrying out minor improvements/repairs to equipment/facilities: when requested to erect shelving, display boards, etc the Job Holder assesses what needs to be done; determines what height, loads, etc.; and plans and executes the project. Consideration must also be given to the impact of the work on the health and safety of pupils and staff (eg, should they be excluded from the work area, etc). Give an example of the most difficult or demanding situation/problem the Job Holder has to solve. Example: Resolving faults in School systems (ie, heating, alarms, etc): the Job Holder checks/tests the various options and possible causes; determines possible solutions; carries out repair/remedial work if within the competence of the Job Holder, or obtains expert technical assistance if the work is outside the competence of the Job Holder. Approximately how often would the example in (b) occur? A few times per annum  Give details below of the mental skills required in the job and reasons why they are needed. Mental SkillWhy Needed?PlanningRequests for work and cyclical maintenance tasks Scheduling/co-ordinating maintenance work during school closure periods. JudgmentWhen to carry out repairs and when expert help is needed Determining material requirements to carry out jobs Undertaking basic Health and Safety Risk AssessmentsAnalytical/fact-finding/ problem-solvingFault finding in School systems/equipment and carrying out repairs Determining requirements for projects INTERPERSONAL AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS ESSENTIAL FOR THE JOB SkillUsed for?With whom?Oral and Written skills.General exchange of information. Writing clear instructions for contractors, etc. Maintaining accurate logs eg, fire log, etc. Maintaining records of tasks undertaken Stores recordsContractors, School staff, Pupils and Parents, other school users/visitors Contractors. Inspectors. Bursar, Head teacher, GovernorsPersuasion/motivation - including tact/negotiation skills.Receiving and giving instructions (some negotiation about priority maintenance work) Obtaining information Day to day supervision, induction, demonstration of tasks, listening Diffuse situations in non-confrontational wayStaff, pupils, parents, governors, contractors, visitors CBS Cleaners Trespassers on site PHYSICAL SKILLS ESSENTIAL FOR THE JOB Give details (if any) of the physical skills essential to do the job properly. Physical skillUsed for?Any precision/speed requirements?Hand/eye co-ordination and dexterityUsing hand/small powered tools for general maintenance and cleaning work Setting/disarming alarm systems Checking heating systems INITIATIVE AND INDEPENDENCE Allocation of work How is work allocated to the Job Holder? Generated by school staff in the form of work request slips, which detail maintenance work that needs to be undertaken. Work is also generated from the annual plan eg, in terms of general maintenance such as decorating. Some work is reactive to emergencies and health and Safety issues. What is a typical cycle for allocating work to the Job Holder eg hourly, daily, weekly? Daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, half-termly, termly and annual cycles of work. Other work is reactive either to emergencies or special requests. Scope for initiative How much freedom/discretion does the Job Holder have: to change the way work is done? (e.g. recommending changes in policy, procedures, resources) Limited - the Job Holder can decide on the most appropriate solutions to maintenance issues but must always work within defined policies and procedures and/or with the specific sanction of the Head teacher. to allocate their time to duties? There are some routine daily tasks (eg, doors and alarms, general checks on the tidiness/cleanliness of the school, checks on the heating systems, etc) that the Job Holder must complete. Otherwise, all general maintenance tasks are prioritised by the Job Holder. What is the level of guidance/instruction available? School Health and Safety policy, Council Policies, procedures and guidelines What sort of direction, management or supervision is given to the Job Holder? The Job Holder is not closely supervised but teaching/senior support staffs are usually available during normal school hours for help and guidance. The Job Holder is expected to use initiative to resolve problems within own remit when no staff are on site. If there was a serious problem, the Job Holder would be expected to contact the Headteacher. Give three examples of problems or decisions the Job Holder would be expected to deal with themselves without reference to a supervisor/manager. How often do these occur? Expected problemNature of available guidanceTypical FrequencyMinor repairs (eg, broken window, storm damage, etc) the Job Holder decides whether to undertake the work or whether it will be necessary to call in specialist contractors.Experience, initiative, knowledge of SLA, Health and Safety guidelinesSeveral times yearIf a school room required minor or emergency re-painting or refurbishment, the Job Holder would carry out the work.Experience, initiativeOccasionalUnexpected problemNature of available guidanceTypical FrequencyPrioritising/co-ordinating the work of the CBS Cleaners when a member of the cleaning team reports sick.Experience, initiative, knowledge of SLA, contact with CBS ManagementOccasionalGive two examples of problems or decisions the Job Holder would be expected to refer to their supervisor/manager. How often do these occur? Problem or decisionPoint of referralTypical FrequencySignificant refurbishment/repairs that are require capital expenditure Head teacherFew times per annumIf the Job Holder makes a judgement that the school environment is not safe/conducive for pupils (eg, burst water pipe, failure of heating system, etc).Head teacher, who would make decision on whether to close the school.Occasional  PHYSICAL DEMANDS What sort of physical demands does the job involve? (See guidance notes for examples) Physical DemandTypical DurationHow often?Other details (eg how heavy?)On feet and walking around building Duration of shiftDaily Lifting and carrying: Portering heavy items of furniture, boxes, stores orders, new furniture Short bursts Daily Physical effort: Climbing ladders and steps to ceiling and roof height (to change bulbs, clean, repair, etc) Pulling and pushing cleaning equipment, trolleys etc Several minutes Short bursts At least once per day DailyConstrained position: Bending, crouching, stretching to clean toilets, carpets, spot clean, clean light diffusers, etc Work in roof space  Daily Occasional MENTAL DEMANDS OF THE JOB Nature of taskMental DemandDurationFrequency Maintaining tidiness/cleanliness, health, safety and security, and physical standard of the school site; resolving any issues/ problems that arise (eg, glass in the playground, trailing leads, etc).Awareness/alertness, attention to detailOngoingDailyCarrying out minor repairs and cleaning tasks; calculation of materials required, methodology, etc.Mental concentration attention to detail.Short burstsDaily To what extent is the job subject to work-related pressures e.g. regular deadlines, frequent interruptions, conflicting demands? Nature of pressures /interruptionsSourceFor how long?How often?Interruptions inherent part of jobTeaching staff waiting for cleaning or portering jobs to be carried out.RegularlyDeadlinesRoutine cleaning and maintenance tasks Cyclical work (eg, during school holidays)DailyConflicting demandsDifferent staff with requests for work with differing priorities Occasionally, Job Holder must to leave current task: to deal with an emergency/health and safety issue when contractors arrive on site.RegularlyIf the Job Holder is subject to any other form of mental demand, please give details below. Not Applicable EMOTIONAL DEMANDS Not Applicable WORKING CONDITIONS In what kind of places does the Job Holder normally work (eg office, library, gardens, clients homes)? If more than one, give approximate proportion of time in each. Location of workProportion of timePrimary School Site Grounds and Buildings100%If the Job Holder works outside, are they expected to work regardless of the weather or are alternative arrangements made eg work on other duties? Yes to clear paths, deal with storm damage and Health and Safety issues (ie, to make grounds safe for pupils and other school users). Other, non-urgent, outdoor tasks can be left for better weather. What unpleasant environmental working conditions or behaviour from other people are met in performing the job? (See guidance notes for examples) Working Condition or Behaviour from other peopleHow long does it last at any one time?How often does it typically occur?Diluting of potentially hazardous cleaning chemicals Cleaning toilets, unblocking drains; removal of yellow waste bags (containing human waste products) Litter picking and emptying bins; picking up broken glass, clearing dog faeces from grass, cleaning urine from porch areas, etc Abusive behaviour and bad language from trespassers confronted on site Working alone in buildingFew minutes Up to 1 hour Up to 1 hour Few minutes Whole shift during school holidaysDaily Daily Daily Few times per week Few times per annum What protection is offered (if any) e.g. against adverse weather (clothing, shelter), against infection, security measures etc. Provision of personal protective equipment e.g. waterproofs, hard hat, safety boots, special face mask and PVC overalls for when working with chemicals, gloves.  6:;BCMhipwxyǼvdUGhEhUP5CJOJQJh>5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hEhE5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5;CJOJQJh|FP5;CJOJQJhkLhUP5;CJOJQJhkLhUP5CJOJQJhkLhM]5CJOJQJh05CJOJQJhgheQ5CJOJQJhghM]5CJOJQJ hkLh|FPh0ht h|FPhM] hkLhM]6CMy <<$Ifgd}@! @ @!%d<<$Ifgd@^fgd0$ @ @/ y>a$gd0 @ @/ y> OOOfP3 @ @!%dxxgd|FP @ @!%dkd$$Ifl\TQ'|2O064 la8 9 < R S ! @ @!%dxx$Ifgd|FP $ @ @!%d$Ifa$gd@^f @ @!%d$ @ @!%da$gd|FP8 9 < R S T U V W 6 7 8 9 : ; : ; = > ? 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