Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Power
Miss Brooman
Mrs McNeil
Please log on to 'Google Classroom' for ongoing updates about class activities and homework.
Welcome to Year 3!
Our theme for the Spring Term is... 'Chariots of Fire'
To find out more about the work your child will undertake this term please see the Spring Termly Overview document in the files to download section of this website. Here you will also find our 'Welcome back' letter and key documents relating to spelling, our calculation policy and reading texts.
91³Ô¹ÏÍøwork will be set via google classroom each Friday. Work will alternate English and Maths. Children should be encouraged to read daily both aloud and independently - this should be recorded in your child's reading record. Children will also have a weekly spelling test online at 'Spelling Frame' - they have individual logins for this and can play games based on their spelling words. 'Times table Rockstars' is also a brilliant way for your child to practise their Mathematics skills alongside other online games such as 'Hit the Button'.
Our classes PE slots will be on a Monday and Thursday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school each week. Long hair should always be tied back and earrings removed.