Reception: News items
Updated Information from Cheshire East Public Health re Covid Symptoms
Date: 8th Dec 2020 @ 2:13pm
Advice to Schools for Children Presenting with non-Covid Typical Symptoms
In addition to the 3 main Covid-19 symptoms if a child or adult experiences sickness / diarrhoea, headaches, unexplained tiredness, muscle and body aches, nasal congestion and a sore throat they should be advised to speak to the school before attending. An outcome of this conversation may be an agreement to self-isolate at home for 48hrs and request a test if symptoms persist or worsen. If the test is returned negative and the child / adult has been diarrhoea and fever free for 48hours they can return to school.
This update has been circulated as we have had reports from a number of settings where people have had these minor symptoms then have subsequently tested positive so we are suggesting that schools may wish to use this approach as a prevention measure as it may reduce the need to have a whole bubble or year group having to isolate.
Growing Evidence from school is that children and adults are presenting with a variety of symptoms and are then testing positive.
This information in relation to non-COVID typical symptoms is intended to be helpful by sharing the learning to date of how settings have managed multiple children experiencing these symptoms. The DfE is aware of this advice and are satisfied that this is appropriate information based on the local knowledge of Cheshire East’s Public Health Team.
The intention is to strengthen the advice to school and college leaders to be extra vigilant in assessing the risks of staff or students attending who are unwell. This is in line with the government’s guidance re managing infectious diseases in schools, which recommends excluding pupils or staff for 48 hours after symptoms have stopped for a number of infectious diseases.
The school’s risk assessment in relation to a child or member of staff returning to school after non-COVID symptoms should be in the context of the situation and include the following areas of consideration, ie, whether the pupil or staff member:
- Has been in contact with any confirmed COVID cases in school
- Is aware of any possible contact with anyone outside school who may have COVID
- Has regularly or previously suffered from this illness
- Would normally stay away from school with their symptoms
- Has similar symptoms to other cases in the setting who have gone on to develop COVID
After this assessment you will be able to identify the best plan of action. The decision in each case will depend on the specific circumstances, but could include returning to school, self-isolating for 48 hours or requesting a COVID test.
Safeguarding Newsletter December 2020
Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 3:05pm
Please see the Safeguarding Newsletter below.
Date: 30th Nov 2020 @ 3:26pm
Please see below for the Christmas newsletter with some key dates for your diary.
General update from Mrs Carvell
Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 11:56am
Please see below for a letter from Mrs Carvell.
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 2:50pm
PTA raffle tickets can be bought from . It raises money for school but you also have 12 chances of winning up to £5000 (if all tickets are sold). The draws will run daily from 7th December to the 18th December.
Flu Vaccinations - Clinic Catch-Up Session
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 2:19pm
If your child did not receive the Flu vaccination yesterday, and is not part of the catch-up session for Year 6, the Immunisation Team are running a catch-up session at Oakenclough Childrens Centre, in Wilmslow, on Thursday 26th November between 3pm - 5.45pm.
You can book an appointment by ringing 0300 123 4607.
Thank you.
Office Admin.
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 2:12pm
Please see letter below for Rec-Y5 regarding the positive case in Y6.
Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 9:56am
To mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week we will be taking part in Odd Sock Day on Monday 16th November.
What is Odd Socks Day?
Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It's an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
The official Andy & the Odd Socks Video
All 91³Ô¹ÏÍø staff and children can get involved on this day and wear our most colourful, wackiest and odd socks to celebrate that we are all different!
You can listen to the Simon Sock book here
Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 10:34am
Friday 13th November is Children in Need.
We are marking the day in school with a non uniform day. You can make donations online following the link below;
91³Ô¹ÏÍø PTA Christmas Cards 2020
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 12:05pm
Children will be bringing their Christmas card design proof home with them today. All orders are being taken online this year at . Any enquiries to [email protected]
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 4:42pm
Date: 27th Oct 2020 @ 10:40am
IMPORTANT - Half term positive Covid notifications
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:19pm
If your child has a positive test result during half term, please notify us using the following dedicated email address: [email protected].
The school is closed from today until Monday 2nd November (Inset day for staff only) and emails to all other accounts WILL NOT be monitored during this time. The email address above has been created specifically for this use only to notify us of a positive case (child) and will be checked periodically throughout the holiday. We have been asked by Cheshire East to stress that should any child test positive, full information is given to NHS Test and Trace in relation to contacts outside of school. Please also see the letter from Cheshire East sent out today.
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 12:40pm
Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 11:24am
We will be back selling Trail Sheets & Goody Bags at school today (Wednesday) from 2.30pm and same time Friday (if we have bags remaining by Friday).
Trail Sheet & Goody Bag (contains sweets, chocs and handmade wooden decoration) - £2.50
Trail Sheet - £1
Cash or card welcome. We CANNOT give change.
Here is a sneak peak of the items Wanda has lost (see pic)
We have had to change the Goody Bags to plastic ones as the paper ones have doubled in price ! We ask please that you re-use the bags as they do have a drawstring and are quite cute!
Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 10:05am
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 11:47am
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 11:53am
Whilst some children have done their Christmas designs in school, we are aware that some are isolating and have not had the chance.
If they would like to do a design, please print off the blank design sheet below (A4 size) and ask your child to get creative! There is also an ideas sheet and useful things to remember/hints to help.
Once completed please place your child’s design sheet in the green drop box at the external school foyer (open at drop off and pick up only) by Monday 19th October 2020 so we can quarantine the designs and send them all for scanning.
If you can’t print off the sheet, there are blank copies in the drop box. Please email [email protected] if you have any queries and we will do our best to help
Wanda the witch OUTDOOR Half term Halloween trail
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 12:17pm
Wanda the witch OUTDOOR Halloween trail Half term Sat 24th Oct- Sat 31st October.
The PTA will be selling trail sheets for the Wanda the Witch Trail in the school car park today before pick up 2.30pm – 3.10pm. We are also planning on selling them next week – watch this space for further dates.
Wanda’s lost items will be on display in the windows of 36 businesses in Poynton from SATURDAY 24th OCTOBER – SATURDAY 31st OCTOBER (Half term).
- £2.50 for a trail sheet and a goody bag which contains sweets, chocolates and a wooden handmade Halloween decoration.
- £1 for a trail sheet alone.
We can take payments by card on a contactless machine. We can also accept cash, but it must be the correct change as we cannot touch the money (you will put it in a bucket and we will quarantine any cash before taking it out). We will hand out the Goody bags (which have been quarantined for over 96 hours) with a long grabber or tongs.
Trail sheets will also be on sale at the Civic Hall so the rest of the Poynton community can also join in with the trail.
We will also be holding a special prize draw for an amazing witch pinata and goodies on Sunday 1st November for 91³Ô¹ÏÍø pupils only. Once you have completed your trail, please email a photo of your completed trail sheet with the child's name and class clearly written at the top to [email protected] before midnight on Saturday 31st October to enter the prize draw for the piñata and goodies.
Any questions please email [email protected]
Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 11:30am
Letter from Mrs Carvell - Further school info
Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 7:28pm
Important letter from the Headteacher
Date: 11th Oct 2020 @ 12:17pm
Please click on the link below to view an important letter from the Headteacher.
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 11:50am
Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 11:02am
Please see below for a letter regarding plans for Coronavirus contingency plans.